Alumni Talks
First NU Alumni Talk
On September 23, 2018 for the first time NU alumni in Almaty initiated and conducted the NU Alumni Talk «Success Story and Business in Kazakhstan». Nursultan Ziabekov (PSIR graduate) had an idea to gather NU alumni of different cohorts to break down the barriers, build a network for further collaboration. To remind you, Nursultan was a head of NU student’s club “Saruar” and participated in the advancement of the journal “Takeiteasy”. Currently, he is a successful entrepreneur working in Almaty.
The special guest of the event was Makhmud Shadiev, one of the investors and former head of the sales department of Bekker&Co since 2010 and who launched the project “Shadiev” in agriculture. The speakers shared their career experience, success stories and discussed diverse topics with NU alumni community.
September 30, the NU alumni had fun in Almaty climbing the Alatau mountains to enjoy the sunny Fall, got close to each other and the nature and admired our country’s gorgeous landscape.
Series of Graduate Application Workshops by NU Alumni in October
The series of workshops on Graduate Application Advising Program (GAAP) was continued with the workshop “Interview for Graduate application” conducted by Alexandra Shaeffer, Assistant Professor of SHSS. Dr Shaeffer is one of the CAC professor-mentors who consults and supports students wishing to obtain further academic degree. During the interactive session, students learnt how to be better prepared for, what to expect during a Graduate School Interview and how to show the admissions committee that you are a person beyond the test scores, grades, and CV.
On October 19 NU alumni representative SST instructor Birzhan Akynkozhayev, NU BSc in Math, the University of Manchester MSc in applied Math, held the workshop on writing a Personal statement. The speaker not only provided the useful information, but also shared his own academic experience, gave advice and tips on how to enroll successfully to Graduate school.
Due to an increasing number students and graduates receiving fake job offers, the CAC established a new workshop topic on How to check if the job offer is real. The first workshop was held on 27 October by NU alumnus 16’, SST, Aktore Barlybayev, who provided detailed information on how to check an employer who sent an attractive, but unexpected job offer, verify the website of invited company and see the signs and types of fraud job offers.
On 31 October Madi Zhakupbayev, NU Alumnus ’16 held the workshop on writing a Motivation letter for graduate application package. Students learnt the difference between a Personal statement and Motivation letter; got the tips and hints how to improve and adjust the letter to foreign universities.
Profession Day: Employee Benefits at Small and Medium Enterprises
NU CAC held another great event to develop professional awareness of NU students. NU graduates Yerdaulet Absattar, Almaz Aubakirov, Yernar Sakarbekov and Ayan Birimzhan shared their fascinating stories on how they started their own SME’s and what motivated them to do so. Nikolay Tyan represented KazDream Technology Company and spoke about the specific benefits of working at SMEs.
We held this session so that our young students would know about the benefits and advantages of working in the small and medium enterprises. We wanted to help them to realize that it is not always possible or even not always necessary to get a job or to work in large international organizations or corporate companies. We believe that SME can be a great start too!

GradEx Talks
On April 17, 2018 Alumni Secretariat and NU Career and Advising Center organized the First Alumni Panel discussion event “GradEx” Talks where 7 alumni panelists of different graduation years and majors took part. The theme of the Panel was Graduate studies versus Labor Market. Panelists shared their personal experience in pursuing Master’s degree and their stories of searching for the job. Students enjoyed such format of the Alumni event and we will continue organizing it upcoming Academic Year with more topics to discuss with NU graduates. Click HERE to watch the video.